Posted in #2023, #amwriting, #BEDA, #bedmo, #nanowrimo, amwriting, Blogmas, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Writing, Writing Tips

When It Comes

When I have an idea, I need to write it down. Whether I’m at work or home or where ever. If I’m driving, I need to have a way to dictate my ideas.

I’m trying to stay hopeful that I can keep this momentum and positivity going forward and on into the new year.

It makes me think of Peter Pan and how he flew off to Neverland, into a new world of amazement.

I want 2024 to be my year. I want 2024 to be our year! I want to take a little extra cash at the beginning of the year and get my passport. I want to travel with them. I want to create with them. I want to make a good life with them.

I’m not exactly sure where I wanted this blog post to go but I got an inkling of wanting to write a post and decided to just grab my iPad and write one.

That’s it! It was when inspiration strikes me, I need to snatch the opportunity and get to creating.

I mean, just starting to write, I wandered slightly sideways to the path of Neverland and that makes me think of Alice in Wonderland which I love because I associate it with Yvonne and some good times in my younger years.

Now, that doesn’t mean that I should only wait until inspiration strikes to do anything. If I constantly do something creative, whether I’m inspired or not, it can lead to other things.

I’m learning or remember really because we learned this in school right, how to take one thing and then branch off… I want to say that is sort of like the snowflake method. Some reason I want to associate it with ‘something-spider’ or ‘spider-something’ but maybe that’s something else entirely.

But anyways, I’m going with things better. I’m taking one little smidgen of an idea and then running with it and seeing where it goes.

Maybe this is my ADHD as a benefit because I can discover new things.

Oh and speaking of discover, I think Star Trek Discovery is starting new episodes fairly soon and I know I saw earlier or last night that SVU is starting new episodes soon too!

Work schedules being what they are, I usually don’t get to see the shows when they air but that’s okay.

I’m losing the point of this blog post again but anywho, I’m learning to branch out from one idea and into something else. I’m learning to embrace imperfection. I’m learning that I don’t like it when things don’t go my way. That’s okay. I have to learn to be able to handle that I only have control over certain things.

I would love to have a tiny laptop. I am currently sitting outside or rather I was and now I’ve moved back inside but I got to looking on EBay and they have an 11 inch Lenovo laptop for $70 and that’s not bad. I wouldn’t imagine that it’s that heavy being that it’s only 11 inches.

Dinner is almost ready. Maybe I’ll come back and write more later!

Posted in #2022, #2022writing, #amwriting, #bedmo, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, amwriting, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2022 – Day 1

Have you begun to prepare for Nanowrimo 2022? Do you have any idea what you’re even wanting to work on for Nano?

I didn’t get all that much done today in the way of preparation but I did get a few potential story ideas jotted down and that’s better than nothing!

Let me know your plans for Preptober in the comments section below or send me a link to your Nanowrimo blog posts!

Posted in #2021, #2022, #2022writing, #amwriting, #bedmo, #nanowrimo, amwriting, BEDMO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing

Friday, March 18, 2022

It’s 2:05AM here. I have to be at work at 7AM but for the life of me, I cannot get to sleep. I’m just not tired. So what did I decide to do? I decided to write a small blog post updating on how the writing is going.

So, update: IT’S NOT!! Not that I don’t want it to and I am jotting down little snippets here and there but other than that, not much writing happening.

Before I sat down to write this blog post, I did rearrange my desk. I put my desktop tower down on the bottom shelf that is next to my desk instead of having it up on the desk itself. It gave me the room too to move my monitor back and have more space on the desk itself. So that’s nice. I can have my note book on the desk now without being as cramped.

I get off work at 4 later today. I was supposed to be back at 5AM tomorrow morning but my schedule got changed without even being discussed with me so now I am back tomorrow at 11am. So this evening I will have a little more time to enjoy instead of having to be in bed super early to be at work at 5AM.

So who knows, maybe I can get some writing done this evening.

Later for now! Happy Writing Everyone!

Posted in #2022, #2022writing, #bedmo, BEDMO, CampNano, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Preptober, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing

March 12, 2022

Well, it has been a better month productivity wise in regards to my writing. I haven’t gotten much written but I have gotten 216 words written in my creative works. While 216 words may not seem like much, it is more than I have written in the past few months.

I’m taking it as a huge win and an even larger step in the right direction towards getting my writing self back to normal.

I’m not going to push myself but I am going to try my best to get at least 100 words written each and every day from here on out whether its in a blog post or a creative work.

It’s about time to get back to work. So I am going to cut this short but I am feeling much better about my writing and creative self and I am going to keep this feeling going!

How is March going for you? Are you going to participate in Camp Nanowrimo next month?

Let me know in the comments section below!

Happy Writing Everyone!

Posted in #2022, #2022writing, #bedmo, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, CampNano, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

March 4, 2022

So, I got the blog post up on the 1st and then…. nothing! I was off the rest of the day on Wednesday once I got home from work, but I was just not feeling writing anything. I was exhausted after working all night and I did take a nap, but it just wasn’t enough sleep. I napped again later in the day but then waking up, there wasn’t much time left between getting up and then needing to get back in bed for work at 8am on Thursday.

I have to leave for my 4pm shift in about 10 minutes and I decided to get a quick little update post put out there. As you can see, not much to update on! But that’s okay. I’m off tomorrow and while I do have to get some chores done around the apartment, I am going to try to get some writing done as well.

I’m not sure what I am going to write about. I have a good friend of mine sending me writing prompts and encouraging me to get my ass in gear and get some writing done. It helps. He has no idea how much it helps to have someone encourage me.

So tomorrow, I would like to get up early-ish in the morning, get a bit done around the apartment and then sit down and work on getting some writing done. Will it happen? I sure as hell hope so!

As I said in my post the other day, writing used to give me such joy and pleasure and I really need to get back to and stop just talking about getting back to it! But these blogs posts help. I need to do this more often as well.

How is March going for you so far? Are you participating in CampNanowrimo next month? Are you getting your plans and outlines together for the month or are you just going to wing it?

Let me know in the comments section below!

Happy Writing Everyone!

Posted in #2021, #bedmo, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Writing, Writing Tips

Nanowrimo 2021 – Day 4

Other than this blog post here, no writing has been done today! Had to switch shifts at work because one of our supervisors called out. That’s fine. I should have thought better of it and gotten some writing done before work but I didn’t.

But it’s OK. I’m not going to stress out over it. I just really need to buckle down and get a somewhat schedule made out. I need to get some words written.

Maybe I can get up early tomorrow and get some done before I have to be at work. I’d be happy with just 1000 words a day for a few days.

I still have another 10 minute break at work. Maybe I can get a little bit done then. We shall see.

Happy Nanoing Everyone!

Posted in #2021, #bedmo, #nanowrimo, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Nanowrimo 2021 – Day 2

I ended out day 2 with a total of around 250 words. YIKES!! Not the large word count I’ve had in the beginnings of Nanowrimos past but that’s okay!

Tomorrow is another day and I am taking my Alphasmart with me to work today and am hopeful that at least on my lunch break I’ll be able to knock out at least 750 words.

If I get on a roll, I’ve succeeded in #1k30min challenges before so we shall see if I can accomplish that tonight but hopefully I can at least get the 750 words. I’d be quite happy with that for a 2am start to day 3.

The month is still early and there is still plenty of time to write. I just need to stay focused and keep my eyes on the prize!

Well, time to get dressed and head out!

How is Nanowrimo going for you so far? Let me know in the comments section below!

Happy Nanoing Everyone!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 31

Well everyone, it is the last day of Preptober 2021! As of this writing and in my time zone only (Pacific Time), there’s 9 hours and 30 minutes until midnight and the official start of Nanowrimo for the 2021 season!

I wish I had some grand, logical wisdom for you going into the next month of writing abandon but I do not! The month is a different experience for everyone who participates. Everyone has different places they go to write. They have different methods for getting their words out.

Some people write by hand. Some people write on a computer, tucked away in the corner of their dining room. Some people gather up their laptop or tablet and go Café hopping and do their writing surrounded by a lot of people and delicious caffeinated beverages!

I had hoped to be able to get some writing done at midnight tonight and I still might but it won’t be much because I get off work at midnight and then I’m scheduled back at work at 7am. I was given the option to possibly switch shifts with someone else from work but I figured that if I stuck with the 7am to 4pm shift that I could get off work and then come home and get some writing done after work instead. Then I am off on Tuesday until I go into work midnight on Tuesday night.

I am going to take my notebook with me today so that while I am on break and lunch, I can maybe get some prompts, jumping off points, and notes written for a hopeful strong 1st day of Nanowrimo 2021.

Hope everyone’s Preptober went well and that your Nanowrimo goes even better! Let’s get those words written! Let me know how Preptober went for you in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 30/31

Laying in bed while Richard listens to a record on his headphones and I’m watching Child’s Play 1988 on HBO Max!


Love Catherine Hicks in this movie! This and her appearance in Star Trek: The Voyage Home were probably my 2 favorite of her roles other than her TV roll of Annie Camden.


Taking a break and just enjoying watching good movies is something I need to do more often!

Hope preptober is going well for everyone and that all are ready for Nanowrimo!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 29

It’s nearly Nanowrimo time! Just a few more days and it’ll be time to write. I know I for one have not been prepping nearly as much as I had hoped or planned on for this month!

Is that okay though? You bet you butt it is!! I am not going to let the lack of planning and failed plans bring me down to such a level that I don’t even start writing on November 1st! I have a fairly decent schedule the first few days of the month and I am going to take advantage of it!

I’m thinking of rearranging some of the furniture in the living room to get a bit of a better flow, not only for our personal use but for my writing flow as well. I need to have a little of bit of space in the living room that is mine for my writing alone.

I have my desk in the dining room and it’s nice and all but I think I also need some living room space as well. I don’t get out of the house as much as I would like and if I can’t get outside, then I need to revamp things around the apartment to make it more inductive for my writing.

Here’s to hoping the month goes smoothly for myself and everyone else participating!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #bedmo, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 27

Nanowrimo is in just a few days! I’m definitely getting that little kid on Christmas morning feeling again! Every year I get that euphoric feeling before Nanowrimo starts.

Now, I won’t lie. I get that sense of euphoria and it’s amazing but there are and will be again this year I know when I suffer from bouts of depression and anxiety during the month.

It’s inevitable. No matter how positive and upbeat I try to be during the month, I still can’t escape the dark times that creep up on me. I’m hopeful that with Richard’s support this Nanowrimo that things will be easier to deal with and I’ll be able to keep on track with my writing.

For now though it’ll be one of those, we’ll just have to wait and see kind of things!

Next month will be my first Nanowrimo living in California. It’ll be my first Nanowrimo living with my boyfriend and having a good support system from someone who not only encourages my writing but believes in me in all my endeavors to be creative and artistic!

So I’m hopeful this year! More so than I’ve been in Nanowrimos past.

Well, it’s about time for me to head back in to work!

How is Preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 17

Create A Soundtrack

So Richard is on a James Bond kick right now. He just ordered a 3 LP set of the songs from the various movies!

I’m loving this collection and it will definitely be a go to #nanowrimo soundtrack next month!

But my #nanowrimo and #pretober tip for today is create a soundtrack for the month! Either on Youtube or physically with CDs or LPs. If you write to music, this is a great tip for anyone! You can create tracks for you characters or for chapters and it also gets you in the headspace for you writing and your novel in particular!

How is Preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Pride, Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 16

Get A Timer

So my tip for today… GET A TIMER!

Writing sprints are an amazing way to get a flow going and to really increase that word count quickly!

You can set a timer for 5 minutes and write to see how many words you can get in those 5 minutes! You can even change it up and set it for 7, 13, 24 or whatever amount of time you might like.

You can even get others involved as well! Nanowrimo does write in videos during Nanowrimo which they do writing sprints during the video.

Writing with others is a great way to make the month not seem so alone and can give you an extra boost of inspiration!

How is preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 15

Thinking about the story prompt of taking someone from your every day life and making them into a character and or villain in your story!

It’s a very interesting idea and something I definitely might do! It very well might be a good therapeutic tool to help me work through stress and anxiety that I have due to certain people and situations at work.

I’m thinking this will be a really fun exercise! I might work on some ideas for this when I get home tonight!

How is #preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, promotion, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 14

Sitting here at work doing the annual sequel harassment and discrimination training. It’s funny, my direct supervisor is always disrespectful and rude.

I really don’t understand how he gets away with it. Others have complained about him before. Management knows about it. Yet he is still allowed to be rude and disrespectful. He makes it hard to want to come to work.

I do the best that I can and it never seems to be good enough for him.

Maybe one day he’ll be knocked down a peg and things will be better. He already talks about not wanting to work here forever and wants to go to school for something else.

I have no problem working retail. Sure the hours kind of suck but at least it’s only 8 to 9 hours a day.

I’m just looking forward to next month when I will be writing for Nanowrimo again.

To keep this post in line with writing topics, I give you this tip: If you find yourself stuck in regards to your writing, see if you can find a new place to write. Try getting out to a Cafe or a park. If getting out of your home is not an option, try making a little space for yourself in your home. Whether it’s in a dining room or a small corner of the living room, it may help to recharge your writing and creative energies!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Pride, promotion, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 12

Well, I have about 10 minutes or so until I have to get in the shower and get ready for my overnight shift at work. I am not looking forward to work tonight. They really messed up my schedule this week.

They had me off Monday and Tuesday yet I have to sleep away most of Tuesday because I have to work overnight on Tuesday. Days during the rest of the week and now I don’t have another day off until next Tuesday.

It’s really a bunch of BS. Our stores bookeeper should really not be the making the schedule. She doesn’t really have the ability to make the schedule for the store. She doesn’t understand how it should run.

Now I’m sitting here trying to knock out 500+ words in about a 10 minute period.
It’s easily done. I’ve done it before.

I had a weird dream. I dreamt about a family member that I haven’t seen in about 10 years and it left me feeling very off when I woke up. I really should start keeping a notepad and pen by my bed so that I can jot things down when I wake up if it’s about my dreams.

But in regards to my dream, it really has thrown my off. I feel like I should get back in bed and try to forget all about it but I can’t. I need to get showered and ready for work. I just hope that I can push the feelings out of my head and not feel off when I’m at work.

Well, I don’t think this is going to make it to 500 words but at least it is something for the day.

Richard is asleep. I wish he was awake so that I could talk to him about my dream and he could kinda help to make me feel better before I have to go work but it’s okay. I know he’ll wake up at some point and I’m sure I’ll be able to talk to him before I get off work.

I just had to switch to my other keyboard because the space key is pretty much shot on my laptop. That’s okay. Using an external keyboard isn’t bad. It puts me at a little bit of a distance from my screen and that’s probably a good thing in regards to screen fatigue.

After switching to my external keyboard, I think I might actually be able to knock out the 500 words. They keyboard on my laptop is just so shot. Funny thing is, when I was at the store buying this one, a guy told me that I might have keyboard problems on down the line. It sucks because it requires me to go and get my wireless keyboard for my desktop and bring it into the living room to use for my laptop but at least it’s just a flip of a switch to use it as a bluetooth keyboard instead.

I definitely need to take my vitamins.

Living in an apartment, I hear dogs barking all the time. Whether it’s my own dogs or someone else’s, you can usually hear a dog barking at least every hour or so. I think I should add a dog barking scene into something I write for next month. Adding things in from every day life seems like it would be a good way for people to really relate to the thins I write.

If I can make this blog post writing related at all, it would be to leave you with this tip:
During the month of Nanowrimo, make sure to take care of yourself. Undertaking a month long writing challenge is not a small endeavor. It can be a solitary, lonely time.

Take time to recharge your creative well. Go for a walk outside. Get out and get some fresh air.

If you take vitamins, remember to take them each day. Get a routine down with those as well. Make sure that you get enough rest at night/during the day depending on when your normal sleep time is.

Keep you head up and keep moving forward, in your story and in your personal and creative life. Take care of not just your creative self but your personal self as well.

If you’re like me and like season beverages, find you a nice fall tea or coffee or even a creamer and enjoy a nice cup of tea or coffee and just think on your writing for a little bit. Take a 30 minute break in the morning to get your batteries energized and ready for the day of writing ahead of you.

I’m thinking when I get home in the morning I will work on jotting down some dialogue and scene ideas. I need to just create a single file for all the snippets of this or that, that i can use during Nanowrimo. I should also work on some prompts and idea generators to help jump start my creativity during the month in case I get blocked and can’t seem to come up with anything.

For a list of different generators, check out

I’m feeling good that this blog post has surpassed the 500 word mark is almost at 1,000 words.

At the bottom of the above list, clicking on Writing Prompts brings you to a list of prompts and the first one is make you ‘bad boss’ a character in your story. I won’t lie. I have done this before. Sure it was more of the girl that I was friends with in high school who turned her back on me and made me feel like shit when I came out. I don’t think I’ve turned a bad boss into a character but lately I have been thinking about it because there is a boss at work who is always treating me and others like he is superior to use in every which way. He always thinks he knows best even when he is shown otherwise.

I totally should have left for work thirty minutes ago to be there at 10pm so I could get off at 630 but that’s okay. I’m technically not scheduled until midnight. It’s nice to have a little bit of wiggle room on my overnight shift so that if I don’t feel like going in at 10, I don’t technically have to.

I would like to get this blog post to 1,667 words. I have already passed the 500 and 1k marks and am at almost 1,100 words. If I can do this, I might redo my goals for the month and if I hit 1,667 words today, I’ll keep a daily goal of 1,667 each day for the rest of the month going forward.

Another tip I would have for #preptober and #nanowrimo as well is that if you don’t make your goal, whether it’s your daily goal or your monthly goal, don’t let it bring you down.

If you have to, readjust your word count and make up whatever it is that you may have missed. If you missed a task, reschedule it if possible but DO NOT let it get you down.

Believe me when I say, I know how stressful Nanowrimo can be. I have been doing this for I don’t even know how many years. Maybe 10 years at this point. I need to look at my Nano profile page to be sure but I know it can be hard.

Even if you have a good support system for the month, it can still be draining, both physically and emotionally.

Winning #nanowrimo is awesome and you get a bunch of fun little goodies but even if you don’t win, that’s okay too. Even if over the entirety of the month you only write 1 single sentence, it’s more than you have if you didn’t write at all.

If the 1,667 word count goal for the day seems like it will be too much to undertake all in one sitting, break it up into chunks.

You could do 10 writing sessions a day at 167 words each. It’s like when I’m at work. I have a stack of tags that are 150 tags each stack. To make the task less daunting, I take the stack of tags and I split it up into smaller stacks and as I work through each smaller stack, it helps to boost my feeling of accomplishment.

If 10 sessions a day seems like a lot as well, break it into 5 sessions and it’s only 333/334 words each session.

There are so many ways that you can take your daily goal and break it down into smaller, more easily accomplished goals to make the day not seem so daunting.

Writing sprints are a great way to get words on the page. Competing with others in a fun little word war is a good way to get some momentum going and to get the words on the page along with your fellow writers. It can also help to make you feel not so alone because you can make new friends in your shared journey to get words written.

Follow the Nanowrimo channel on Youtube!

They have weekly writing sprint videos during the month of November and also a couple during pretober to get you ready for Nano. They offer timed writing sprints and you can even share snippets of what you’re working on if that is something you would be interested in.

While I’m sitting here, I am watching a react video on Youtube to a video from 2015 that talked about how Nanowrimo was not a good tool for writers. I won’t go into detail about the original video itself but I will leave you with this:

Nanowrimo has given me the opportunity to come together with fellow writers. It’s given me the push and encouragement to get back into writing again. It has shown me that anything is possible if I put my mind to it. Even if I don’t win Nanowrimo, it has given me something great and that’s a feeling of being a part of something so much bigger than myself.

I really hope this blog posts may have helped you in some way. Let me know in the comments section below if it helped you. Let me know how #preptober is going for you!

Happy Prepping Everyone!!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, CampNano, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Soundtrack, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Pride, promotion, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Pretober 2021 – Day 8

The month is definitely not going the way that I wanted it to. I am 3 days behind on my goals. I redid my word count goals for the month. If I write 1,475 a day, the next 2 days, itll put me back on track.

I just feel like I’m falling into a depressive rut again and one I hate this feeling and two, I just cannot let myself get like this. I’m better than this. I need to refocus and come up with a new game plan.

Hows the month going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #4thewords, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing

Preptober 2021 – Day 7

Well, I’m not going to make my goal for today either. My goal for today is 588 words. Not way I can make that in less than 4 minutes but that’s okay. I have gotten a lot done today in regards to the apartment.

Tomorrow is a new day and I have got to get my sleeping under control. I cannot sleep so late in the day anymore. I slept until 4 today. I went to bed super late last night.

I need to start getting up earlier in the day. I’m sitting on the couch in the living room right now and watching Criminal Minds and knocking out this blog post.

I won’t lie. I am starting to feel anxious and worried about not only finishing out the word count goals that I have for this month but also about next month as well. I worry that I won’t be able to make the goals next month and/or that I won’t have the time to get things done as well.

Maybe it’s because it’s late at night and I’m sitting in the living room by myself while Richard is asleep in the other room. He wasn’t feeling well and needed to lay down. I got a little bit of stuff done on the apartment and then I laid down on the couch to watch some TV and now I’m sitting here writing.

I’m starting to get that feeling again that I should just give up on all of this and stop writing altogether.

I don’t want to but the little voice in my head telling me that I’m not good enough and should just give up is so strong.

Richard encourages me and tells me that I should keep going but what if he’s just being nice? What if he is just saying that because he loves me and I’m not really any good at any of this and that’s its all just a waste of time?

I just don’t know anymore. Maybe I should try taking a break from the actual writing for a few days and maybe do some reading instead.

Maybe I can go to a bookstore in the area and find a new book and take some time to get lost in a good book. I’m off at 6:30 on Saturday. Maybe I can go by somewhere on my way home and get a new book.

Buying something at work would be retail and it would be too expensive. If I was going to do that then I would buy something on Amazon and just have it delivered. I’m tired of ebooks for the time being. Something physical would be good. Maybe I can go through the boxes in the garage and find something good to read too.

I don’t know. I know I need to do something to get my out of this depressive rut that I seem to have fallen into.

I’m only 100 words away from reaching Thursday’s word count goal. I need to hit the goal and then maybe I can just grab a notebook and a pen and work on getting a head start on Friday’s word count goal.

Either way, I’m not going to think much more on this tonight and try to get a good nights sleep and maybe get up a little earlier in the morning and enjoy the day instead enjoying or lack there of, the middle of the night.

I wish Richard was awake right now but it’s good that he’s getting some sleep.

How is #Preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #BEDA, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, Pride, promotion, Reading, Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

October 6

Well, I have missed the 4th and 5th’s blog post and in doing so, I have also missed those word count goals for those days. So, I missed the 336 goal for the 4th and the 420 goal for the 5th. Add that to today’s word count goal of 504 and you have a total word count goal of 1,260 words.

Can I do that today? Seriously, can I?

I’m not sure. I can definitely try.

I am definitely going to try because if I can do 1,260 words today, that is good practice for Nanowrimo. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I can damn near guarantee that next month there will be some days that I miss.

But it’s all good. I’m going to work on knocking out some words here in the next half hour and hopefully I’ll reach my goal!

Sitting here with Richard watching Almost Famous. I love these semi-biopic movies. Music is such an inspiration for me when I write. Having a boyfriend who is so into music, it’s really a godsend.

Well, I know that I am not going to make the 1,206 word count goal for the day. There is only 10 minutes left for the day and I am only currently at 316 words. But maybe I can at least make it to the 504 word count goal instead and then tomorrow, when I have more time, I can get to the high goal and catch up.

Today has been a long day with working over night and then I got off work and came home. I worked on my computer a little to get #windows11 installed on my laptop since it’s not really all that much used.

I should have gotten some more done writing related this morning when I got home but I didn’t. Again though, I’m not going to stress about it. I am going to take this as a learning experience and keep moving forward with such amazing positivity.

Definitely going to get up early in the morning and get the apartment put back after maintenance was here on Monday and then I’m going to sit down and put some writing video on Youtube and get some writing done.

Well, it is now officially after midnight. I can’t wait until it’s after midnight and it’s officially November 1st and I can start writing on my Nanowrimo project.

Well, going to get thing settled down for the night.

How is Preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

Posted in #2021, #4thewords, #bedmo, #BEDO, #BEDS, #nanowrimo, BEDMO, BEDO, Challenges, Daily Journal, Journal, MM_Romance, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Nanowrimo Tips, Preptober, promotion, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Preptober 2021 – Day 3

Well, I may not be getting a lot of prep done for Nanowrimo next month but I am sure staying on track so far with my blog posts for the month and that to me is an AWESOME accomplishment!

I know that I do need to get some prepping and planning done but I also know that if I let myself get down on the fact that I’m not getting EVERYTHING done, I’ll just burn out and fall into a rut of depression and anxiety and I cannot let that happen.

Too many times in the past have I fallen into a dark place and it does no good. All it does is put me into that headspace of ‘I’m no good’ or ‘I can never do this. Why do I even try?’ and I refuse to let that happen. So for now, I am going to focus on the victory of having at least kept on track with the blog post and move forward from that!

I work 4 to midnight today and tomorrow and then I am off work again on Tuesday. I think tonight when I go to work, I’m going to take my Alphasmart with me and try to get some prepping/planning done on my lunch break.

I might take my notebook with me too and when I got out on my break, I might try to jot down some ideas as I sit outside and peoplewatch.

It’s a little hot outside today and I am not 100% sure when it’s supposed to cool down on a more permanent basis for the season yet. California weather is pretty consistant on it’s comfortable temperatures but some times it does get a little warm.

But it’s about time for me to get ready for work but at least I knocked out this blog post. Stay tuned for some more writing specific post! I think part of my break time today I will use the time to get a few blog posts ideas jotted down as well.

How is Preptober going for you? Let me know in the comments section below!