Posted in #2024, #amwriting, amwriting, Daily Journal, Fan Fiction Fridays, Journal, mindfulness, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writerly Wednesday, Writing

Mindfully Mondays #7

It’s another Mindfully Monday post and I am definitely feeling those Monday moans. I missed my Fan Fiction Friday post last week. Maybe I’ll shoot one out tomorrow.

I did get some writing done on my fan fiction but as for a post with an actual update, that may be what comes tomorrow.

I spent a good part of the day doing laundry and procrastinating from anything and everything.

I have to be at work in less than an hour. Laundry is still drying… Hopefully it gets done in time.

Just feeling kind of blah. I’m taking my meds like I’m supposed to. I’m eating. I’m sleeping. I could probably do with drinking more water.

Maybe that’s where I need to be more mindful in my hydration. Maybe that’s why I’m sluggish lately.

We shall see I guess. Gonna finish up the laundry and then head off to work.

Happy Writing!

Posted in #2024, #amwriting, mindfulness, Thoughts, Writing

Mindfully Mondays #5

I decided to come to my office downstairs and write this post. I procrastinated for a good part of the time I have been in my office. You know, the usual. Oh I need to straighten up and organize this shelf and that counter top. You know. Then I had to create a spreadsheet to keep track of my blog post and what # I was currently at in my schedule.

These are all extremely important tasks to complete to get a simple blog post written. Aren’t they? What do you mean they’re not really that important in the long run if I want to get my writing done and out there to the world?

This is part of my needing to be more mindful. I need to be able to better focus on the tasks I am doing to be able to ascertain their true worth. So many things we do during the day, we do on auto pilot.

So if we do so many things without even thinking, how many of those tasks really aren’t all that important or necessary to achieving my writing goals and could possibly be cut out or moved to another time? Time could be saved from those tasks and used more productively somewhere else.

It’s definitely times like this that I feel nostalgic for the days of lesser available access to the internet. When I was in high school and the school had high speed internet service but when you were home, you usually had dial-up service and the speeds were excruciatingly slow.

Those were the days when I would spend hours on the couch or on the floor or even out in the grass with a notebook and pen in hand and I would be writing by hand. Laptops and smartphones were still extreme luxury items. I could get lost in my stories and in my own thoughts.

I’m doing that now, here at my desktop that is almost as old as its been since I was in high school almost. I’m getting lost in thought and what I want to write and I feel like if I tried, I could write for hours here. But alas, I have to get ready for work again today.

I close again tonight. Tomorrow I mid noon until nine so that’s not too bad. I’ll be off to spend the evening with my babies and then I’m off on Wednesday.

Stay tuned for Writerly Wednesday where I want to delve into some of the places that I want to travel as a writer.

Posted in #2024, #amwriting, amwriting, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, NanoWriMo, Writing, Writing Tips

Writerly Wednesdays #3

What keeps you up at night in regards to your writing?

For me personally, it would have to be imposter syndrome.

Why should I try to write? I’m not Stephen King or Anne Rice.

But wait. Now isn’t that two different people? And they’re not each other. So why aren’t they crippled by imposter syndrome?

Why am I allowing myself to Fall victim to imposter syndrome if the authors that I admire don’t fall victim in the same way?

I say ‘in the same way’ because they very well likely do suffer from the same or similar insecurities that I feel.

So then, if we’re all in the same boat, why can’t I get my ass in gear and write?

Posted in #2024, #amwriting, amwriting, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, Thoughts, Writing

Mindfully Mondays 2024 #3

So, I’m writing this post on Monday!! What the what?? The funny thing is just because I’m writing this post on Monday, doesn’t mean I couldn’t forget and not post it today. Seriously, it has happened before.

But I will post today. I started this journey of Mindfully Mondays for this very reason: to be more successful in blogging consistently.

Currently getting lost in Spotify and I need to get ready for work but here is my post for today. I may or may not have a part 2 later when I think of what I would actually write about today!

Later for now! Be back later!

Posted in #2024, #amwriting, Daily Journal, Journal, Writing, Writing Tips

Fan Fiction Fridays #2

If you’re always a day late, are you then actually on time?

Yes I know that isn’t actually how it works but it is the principle of the matter… Anywho, yesterday was supposed to be my Fandom and Pairing Reveal day.

So, without further ado,

Johnathan Archer and Charles Trip Tucker USS Enterprise NX 01

Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Trip

Summary: I’m not sure yet… Maybe I’ll venture out into the live journal world and find a prompt table or two and see where that takes me.

Disclaimer: Fandom specific characters are property of their respective owners. I am merely borrowing them in an attempt to ignite a new spark in my creative and writing self.

Stay tuned for Mindfully Mondays #3 and maybe even an unscheduled post!

Posted in #2024, #4thewords, #nanowrimo, amwriting, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, Writing, Writing Tips

Mindfully Mondays 2024 #2

Again, a day late but still going to happen.

I need a routine.

Wait! Wasn’t I supposed to be on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday blogging schedule? Isn’t that supposed to be my routine?

While all of that is true and in theory, fairly easy of a schedule to stick to, isn’t it always easier said than done?

I think what I need to do is be more accountable. I need to put my intentions out there and then that makes me accountable to them.

2024 Blogging Schedule

I need to be more vocal about my art and my creative endeavors. What is it they say, you get what you put out there…

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Writerly Wednesday post which will actually be on time tomorrow!

Posted in #2024, #4thewords, #amwriting, #BEDO, #nanowrimo, amwriting, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing, Writing Tips

Mindfully Mondays 2024 #1

And it’s a day late I know!!! Excuses excuses. Holiday… Work…

It’s one of the hubbies bdays…

That is a good excuse right?

Anywho, I have been thinking about shows I used to watch. I’m trying to be more mindful… In doing so, I’m trying to be more in the here and now but that doesn’t mean that I can’t revisit old shows I used to watch.

Caitlyn’s Way… A story of a girl coming of age learning to deal with a new world, external conflict as well internal conflicts.

Hey Arnold… A group of friends journey through life in their city.

I look back at these shows and I see them in a new way.

Currently sitting in Las Vegas for Juan’s birthday and I couldn’t be happier. My babies and I are happy and healthy and in a beautiful city.

The view from the 26th floor of The Cosmopolitan Hotel

But in the mindful mindset, I am trying to slow down and absorb and see new things in every day things.

Stay tuned for Writerly Wednesday where I will be discussing what to expect from Fan Fiction Friday going forward and maybe some snippets and tips!

Happy Writing

Posted in #2023, #amwriting, amwriting, Blogmas, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, NanoPrep, NanoWriMo, Writing, Writing Tips

Writerly Wednesdays #2

How to start… Where to start… The beginning of a project is always the hardest, in my opinion personally.

Even writing a blog post, I find myself at a loss as to where to start when I sit down to start writing.

So the advice I’ve received before myself, to just start writing and see where it goes, sticks out in my mind above anything else.

I’m trying to do a similar technique with my painting and my drawing as well. If I don’t know what to do, I have been just doodling lines and boxes and squiggles and in doing things like that, I see where I could take the drawing or it gives me an idea for some actual piece and I get a new sheet of paper and draw.

I’m still back and forth on whether or not I will be making Fridays, Fan Fiction Fridays.

Stick around and let’s see where the squiggles take us.

Posted in #2023, #amwriting, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, Reading, Thoughts, Work Thoughts, Writing

Already Missed…

So I already missed my Monday/Wednesday schedule for blog posts.

Is it okay to say that yesterday was a holiday?

I’m going to say yes and no only because I can’t let myself get down because I missed a blog post yesterday.

It happens. It’s probably going to happen again but I can’t let myself get down about it.

Now, that aside, I would like to start something possibly daily where I post a scene/setting/snippet that calls to me.

Today’s setting that calls to me… I see a balcony, at night, an empty street below and an amber street light casting light onto a pathway leading into a park across the street.

Posted in #2023, #amwriting, #nanowrimo, amwriting, Blogmas, Daily Journal, Journal, mindfulness, NanoWriMo, Writing Tips

Mindfully Mondays

Over the last week, I did manage to create a tentative schedule for January. I’m thinking Mondays and Wednesdays. I’ve also been reading on and learning to be more mindful.

That being said, I am thinking of making Mondays ‘Mindfully Monday’. How and in what sense? I’m not exactly sure. I know I have issues I want to work through mentally. I have anxiety and depression. I have attention and focus issues.

I want to be able to function more fully in the moment and with those around me in my personal and professional life.

That means that I need to be more mindful.

Mindfulness is a practice that involves being fully present and engaged in the current moment without judgement. It’s about cultivating awareness of your thoughts , feelings, and surroundings, which can contribute greatly to improved mental well-being.

— ChatGPT 3.5 Response to “In the sense of mental health, what does mindfulness mean?”

It makes perfect sense. I spend too much time lost in anxious spirals. That’s not living in the moment, engaged with those around me. I can’t live like that anymore.

Mindfulness, to me at least, goes a little further. I need to be mindful of my writing self and my creative self as well. I need to write every day. I need to make it a daily habit to write every day.

I won’t be blogging every day, or at least I won’t be setting that as a goal as to keep myself from getting burnt out but I will be writing every day.

Now, that doesn’t mean that if I have a blog post inside of me that needs to be written and it’s not a Monday or a Wednesday that I won’t write it.

Absolutely not! I will write that blog post and post it. I will write that snippet and pocket it away until I have more to it.

I have to be the person that I want to be. I have to be the person that I am destined to be and a person that is so anxious and depressed that he can’t fully function and have successful relationships is not the person I want to be.

Let’s see how it goes!